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subject: Uses of multi-purpose non-geographical numbers to achieve business goals [print this page]

The businessmen these days face a cut throat competition. They continuously use new and innovative tools to enhance their business and touch new horizons. They are making use of innovative techniques of telecommunication as an emerging tool that facilitates communication between the clients and the organizations. The non-geographical numbers help the clients to achieve their business objective and goals. The non-geographical numbers have special characteristic in that they operate irrespective of the location of the client or the organization. These numbers do not require adding any area codes, so the customers can make a call on these numbers from anywhere within a country. Also, these numbers allow the customers to make free calls to the companies and enquire about specific products or get a solution for their problems. Depending on the package chosen by the company, these numbers are either free to call or there are only nominal charges involved.

The primary aim of any business is to attract maximum customers, offer them excellent customer support, give them lucrative offers, and convert them into potential buyers. All this can be made easy with the 0800 numbers. These numbers provide the companies with the facilities to allow their customers make a call to the companies at very nominal charges or absolutely free of cost. This encourages the customers to call up the companies directly and enquire about the new products etc. The customers do not hesitate to make long calls to the companies and gather exhaustive information. These numbers enhance the professional image of a company and this further helps to attract more customers. Due to lower calling rates, the companies can themselves approach the customers and inform them about the new products. This results in more sales and hence better profits for the companies.

These numbers are available with various telecom service providers. Depending on the features offered, the rates for the packages may vary. There are several packages such a normal, silver pack, gold pack, or platinum packs. Usually, the platinum packs are the most expensive as they contain the number list that is most easy to be memorized. Also, the calling rates depend on the packages. Certain packages allow the customers to make free calls to the companies, while with the other packages the customers can make calls at nominal charges. The debt recovery companies might need free calling service to lure their customers; marketing companies too shall need to make free calls to the customers, whereas the financial companies can need cheap calling rates to talk to their customers. The package will depend on the individual requirements of the companies.

The long series of the 08x series include 0800, 0808, 0844, 0845, 0870 and 0871 numbers. The companies can choose any of the series for their business. The companies can also chose the service to have toll free numbers that will allow their customers to make free calls to the company. These numbers are a continuous demand due to their several cutting edge functions and the resultant growth achieved by the company.

Uses of multi-purpose non-geographical numbers to achieve business goals

By: Jayden White

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