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subject: How Not To Be A Cash Gifting Failure [print this page]

How Not To Be A Cash Gifting Failure

Branding yourself when it comes to cash gifting is extremely important. You don't want to be used as leverage for someone else! This is something only the most honest of the big players will tell you. In this short article I will be covering the five big mistakes made with branding and cash gifting!

Mistake number 5 is sending your cash gifting leads to someone else to handel for you in other words do the talking for you. This is a difficult one because no one wants to talk with people. I've personally lost thousands by letting call back centers handle my prospects. This is really a huge mistake. To generate cash with a system like that you have to be driving an insane amount of traffic and doing a ton of advertisements spending tens of thousands a month.

Mistake four is your web page. Make certain the page ONLY BRANDS you. You need be sure your inviter will not be on your page whatsoever! I always supply my team members with a customized page for no charge. This should be a mandatory requirement for you when asking about any cash gifting programs and for your true success!

Mistake 3 is using an 800 number instead of your personal cell or other personal number. Remember, cash gifting is a person to person rrealtionship building process and using an 800 number loses the personal touch. This is why getting targeted leads is so very important rather than a bunch of untargeted leads that tie up your phone. All you need is a few targeted calls a day and your off and running.

Mistake 2 is promoting the cash gifting club before yourself. You should not include the name of your program within your website. If people have already heard of it they will ignore your advertisements and go on to someone else. This one was a toss up for number one but I decided to put this as the second biggest mistake made with cash gifting programs and cash gifting in general.

The granddaddy mistake of all is failure to pick the right sponsor. If your sponsor does not have your success as their number one priority you will most definately failure very quickly. Do your due diligence and search for the best sponsor you can find. The best way find a good cash gifting mentor is to ask them about there internet marketing experience seeing that cash gifting and any online business is ALL ABOUT marketing. Home based businesses fail because people lack the marketing knowledge neccessary to create business.

Beware of cash gifting programs that claim to take care of everything from a to z. Everyone that is successful online knows that to become sucessfull you need to have full control. When you give in to these automated programs, your giving in to the lazy people that fail, actually all 98% of online failures. Find a programs and mentor that supports training you on controling your own campaigns becasue you'll fail if your lazy and it's not that hard to learn.

A true test is to ask them about coming on at $500 dollars. If they push you for more, then you know what their real concern is, and it isn't you or your cash gifting success!

by: Frank Poretta

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