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subject: Ways To Get Rid Of Facial Wrinkles Easily [print this page]

What do you feel when you can see wrinkles on your face in front of the mirror? I believe none of the ladies out there would love to have wrinkles. When there are wrinkles on the face, we tend to cover them with foundation and concealer so that they are not too visible. But this is not the right way as it will only make the wrinkles grow deeper and make you look older than you should be. So, here are some useful tips to get rid of facial wrinkles easily.

Facial Massage

You can always massage your facial muscles to improve the blood circulation and to make your skin feel relaxed. 15 minutes of massaging per day is sufficient for you to have a healthy and smooth skin. Be gentle and soft so that the massaging will not turn to be scrubbing. This technique is proven to work well in preventing wrinkles as compared to other expensive beauty products.

Clean, Moisturize and Protect

You must always remember to keep your skin clean and free from impurities. The first step is to clean with a suitable cleanser depending on your type of skin. Then, remember to apply moisturizer. Moisturizer helps to improve your skin texture and renew your skin cells daily. Lastly, do apply sunscreen whenever you are out from your house. Sunscreen acts as a shield to your skin to fight with the UV rays as well as to maintain a glowing skin.

Food and Water

Other than that, a good recommendation to get rid of wrinkles is to drink at least 6 glasses of water per day. Water can keep your skin hydrated because dry skin will easily form wrinkles. Besides that, remember to take more vegetables and fruits that contain vitamins. Vitamins are good to maintain a healthy skin and to nourish your skin.

These are the basic and important steps to get rid of facial wrinkles easily. Remember to have sufficient rest as well so that your skin will have ample time for skin cell renewal during the night time.

by: Chris Cornell

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