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Irvine, California July 5, 2010 Well known for his concept of The Platinum Rule,' Dr. Tony Alessandra connects with Jason Hartman, founder of the Creating Wealth Show to speak on relationships and how to increase the number of long-lasting customers. During podcast number 165, Dr. Alessandra discusses the four types of personalities, which are: the director, thinker, relater, and socializer.

Throughout the episode, Dr. Alessandra stresses to Jason and the audience, how important it is to read another person in any given situation. He states, "A typical sales person often does not empathize with the individual they are making the pitch to, rather, they attempt to sell the same offer to everyone instead of making adjustments to whom they are dealing with." He feels that this sort of behavior can be damaging when trying to build relationships, and believes, in this situation, a person must be prepared to pick up signals from the other person and adjust their personality style accordingly. He encourages the audience to focus on long-term relationships, not single transactions.

"Communication and relationship skills are not taught in schools but are essential to increase the size of a business or move up in a career," Alessandra continues, "people skills carry over no matter what you do." Dr. Alessandra, who is a professional speaker and author, has written several books, most notably on the topic of The Platinum Rule.' In summary the rule states, "treat others as you wish to be treated."

On the subject of relationship building, Dr. Alessandra focuses on the Customer Retention Management (CRM) system, at the conclusion of the episode, and its ability to strengthen relationships and retain customers long-term for a business. The system itself focuses on managing relationships and the touches a business makes on its customers and prospects.

Jason Hartman's Creating Wealth Show has featured many recognizable names in recent years including Michael Gerber, David Allen, Michael Munger, Addison Wiggin, Robert Kiyosaki and many others. The Creating Wealth Show is available for free on or the iTunes store, and offers investment strategy advice to those who wish to be financially independent through income property investing. To speak with an experienced investment counselor, you can call 714-820-4200 or visit for more details.

Refi 'Til Ya Die - Making Money With Properties Investment

By: John Beckham

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