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Use Mass Article Marketing To Turbocharge Your Business

Successful people on the Internet are using mass article marketing as a key part of their income generating plan. It does not matter what business they are in, whether it is selling physical products or providing services, these people use article marketing techniques to promote their business. For some entrepreneurs the business is article marketing itself, and to promote the business they write article marketing articles. It is important to understand article marketing secrets particularly if you are new to internet marketing. In this article I will share with you some top article marketing tips.

Search engines, such as Google and Yahoo, are unable to read a picture on a web page. However, they are able to read words and this makes article marketing important to your business. When you write an article, and use it to promote your business, search engines will find it online. It follows therefore, that the more articles you write the quicker your website will be seen by the search engines. This is the real benefit of mass article marketing.

Using article marketing is a fantastic way to brand yourself as an expert in the business field or niche you are in. This will help to increase the quality of traffic you get to your website and from that convert more of those visitors into your customers.

A specific article marketing tip is to focus your article on one theme. For example, write your article on 'how to train your Yorkshire Terrier', rather than 'how to train your dog'. When you do that you focus on one specific tip and this makes the article more useful to the reader. When people read these kinds of articles you begin to become known as the expert on what you are writing about. By focusing on one theme you are also increasing your chances of having your article show up higher on the search engine pages. Using the search term 'how to train your dog' brought up 10.9 million pages in Google. The chances of you ranking high for that term are very slim indeed. The phrase 'how to train your Yorkshire Terrier ' brought up 219,000 pages. If you make your phrase 'how to train your Yorkshire Terrier to behave well', the number of pages reduces to 162,000. You start to give yourself a fighting chance of getting your article indexed higher. Do bare in mind that dog training is a very popular niche. If you have a much smaller niche you improve your chances even more of getting your articles listed higher up in the search engines. At the other extreme if you are writing articles on internet marketing, you will be entering an extremely competitive market. For example there are over 65 million pages on article marketing articles.

The big plus with article marketing over other methods to promote your online business is that it does not cost you any money. Sure you have to spend time writing your articles. But you are writing about a subject area you understand and hopefully enjoy. Other strategies such as pay per click advertising can turn out to be a very expensive way to promote your business. Using article marketing to promote your business makes sense. It's as simple as that.

by: Michael Saville

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