subject: AVOID NEGATIVE PEOPLE:-THEY ARE NEGATIVE INFLUENCE TO LIFE AND SUCCESS! [print this page] Then there are others who generally tend to have a reasonably good attitude towards life but who start to lose it in cases because of negative friendship, bad relationships, lost investments, suffered victimization and end up becoming negative as well whenever a problem arises or something doesn't go according to plan or to their expectations.
The important thing is to remember that you, and only you, are in complete control of your own actions and moods. By accepting responsibility for how you feel and how you relate to the world around you and by maintaining a positive mindset, you'll be able to keep progressing. This will help you to maintain your motivation towards moving forward, no matter what others are doing or what they might think or say about you. That's their problem, not yours.
Don't be put off and don't let other people determine your feelings and attitude for you. Stick to your goals and believe in them. If you're optimistic and maintain belief both in your goals and in your ability to achieve them, nobody can steer you away from your clearly defined path. Whilst it's inevitable that you can never go through life without encountering any negative people, you can keep your own motivation and remain in sole control of your own destiny.
Most of us who want to better ourselves will have hopes, dreams and aspirations to some degree or another. However, in order to maintain your motivation, you should only seek out those with whom to share your dreams that will be supportive of your aims.
There is nothing worse than telling negative people that you plan to work towards achieving something better in your life. They'll only try to ridicule your ideas and try to destroy your aspirations in the hope that they can drag you down to their level. They'll want to do that simply because they don't want to feel as though they're the odd one out. So, don't let them do it. So, don't let them do it.
If you ever find you've come across a particular obstacle or problem in pursuing your goals, always seek out advice from people who can help you as I always say to myself, seeking the WISDOM OF THE ELDERS. This is extremely important as it's in those times when things might not be going quite according to plan that the negative people can cause you to abandon your dreams if you let them. So, remain strong and positive and don't deviate from your chosen path.
Compelling the problem are those people we are always surrounded by in many colors of deceptions who have already given up on their own dreams and it's little wonder why so many dreams and aspirations remain unfulfilled and abandoned, never to be followed through. So, don't allow these negative people and negative behaviors to destroy you. Always remember that whilst you may encounter moments of doubt, one negative thought can quickly lead to another.then another and so on like a virus. So, if you do find you sometimes temporarily lose sight of your vision, drive and enthusiasm, do whatever it takes that works for you to get back on track as quickly as possible rather than give in to your fear and intimidation by those negative individuals around that we always tend to share our problems and usually success story with. Keeping pushing because life has to and must go on.....
By: Syl Juxon Smith
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