subject: Personal Path To A Call Center [print this page] Equal Opportunity Employment simply means a job availability open to anybody qualified for the position regardless of age, education, religion, skin color, physical disability, gender or orientation. All of these discriminatory boundaries are not given consideration so long as the applicant proves he or she is able to do the functions of the job. This is very true in the industry popularly called call-center.
For speakers of English as a second language, seeking employment in a call center poses a challenge to their ability to communicate fluently. Some natural difficulties present themselves like glottal pronunciations, local intonation, and unfamiliarity with speech slang, idiomatic phrases, or colloquial expressions. For these reasons only about 2.5% -3.5% of all applicants ever passes.
It therefore came as a complete surprise to some that somebody like me, who is way beyond my prime years and totally ignorant of computers (I belong to the generations of engineers savvy with the slide-rule), would be accepted on the first attempt. Consequently I feel obligated to tell my story.
For starters, I always had a natural curiosity for things I am interested in, the internet for instance. So I took free short lessons courtesy of the local city government, and this was where I first encountered MS Word, Excel, and Power Point. Inwardly, I still longed to understand what makes the whole set up tick, not just the software side, but also the technological or hardware side. So I enrolled in a month-long computer hardware servicing technician course, again for free, this time sponsored by a national government agency on technical education and skills development. At least I gained proficiency on the parts of the computer and their respective functions.
Then, at this time I began to notice huge newspaper advertisements posted by call center corporations. Although I had no inkling whatsoever what exactly they do in one, it seemed to me I easily fulfill the requirements: communication skills in English, willingness to work on shifting schedules, and ability to work with others. In addition, all of these notices state the words Equal Opportunity Employment.
I previously worked in several national and international manufacturing firms in the country as a chemical engineer with progressively responsible positions, and also in Saudi Arabia among people of different nationalities and cultures, so I was confident my chances were favorable, if only I knew what would be expected of me once accepted.
Maybe the Law of Attraction was at work here, but I happened to read a back-issue of one local newspaper announcing free 54-hour call-center agent training program offered by the city mayor in conjunction with an academic consortium for English proficiency of leading colleges and universities. I followed lead after another lead until I found the actual venue, was interviewed by the school administrator who evaluated my communication abilities, and then allowed to be part of the third batch of enrollees.
It was from one of my classmates that I also learned of an employment resource center run by missionaries from an American church, which also gave two-day seminars on job and livelihood training and English enhancement classes. Needless to say, I took the opportunity right after the agent training program.
Not a month lapsed, that I applied for and was accepted, on first attempt, to be a technical service representative by a business process outsourcing company, on a line of business connecting clients to the internet.
Not really surprising!
by: Mind Rich
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