subject: Is There A Diet Where You Can Choose Whether You Have A Boy Or A Girl Baby? [print this page] I recently received correspondence in which the writer asked me, in part: "is there a special diet that lets you chose your baby's gender or sex? If so, what is it called and how does it work?" In the following article, I'll explain how the foods you eat and the diet you're on can have an effect on influence on your baby's gender or whether you conceive a boy or a girl.
There's No One Particular Diet To Chose Your Baby's Gender. You're Really Talking About Two Different Diets: People sometimes ask me for information on the "chose your baby's gender diet." And I understand what they are asking me when this happens. But this almost implies that there's one diet or that one size fits all, which is definitely not the case.
In order for any diet to be effective, it really does have to be individual for each person. There are many reasons for this but the most persuasive is that every one is different and every one's body reacts differently to different foods. And every one starts out with an individual PH. If you are trying for a girl baby, you need for your body and reproductive tract to be more acidic. This environment is detrimental to boy producing sperm and this helps ensure that more of the sperm that makes it to the egg is girl producing (or the X chromosomes.)
But, if you want a boy, eating acidic foods is going to be a bad thing because this environment would weed out more of the Y or boy producing sperm. Instead, if you're trying for a boy, you need to create an alkaline environment by eating foods that read alkaline for you.
When I say that you're talking about two different diets, what I mean is that the diet to conceive a boy baby is completely different than the diet to conceive a girl baby. If you want to get pregnant with a girl, your diet would need to be acidic and would consist of more meats and dairy foods.
But if you want to conceive a boy baby, your diet would need to consist of alkaline foods, many of which are fruits and vegetables. These are very loose and general guidelines, though. Some alkaline foods become acidic once digested and vice verse and there are always exceptions in the different guidelines.
That's why it can help greatly to use PH testing strips so that you can see where you are starting and can also see if you're reacting as expected. And this is true whether you're introducing alkaline or acidic foods (or whether you want a boy or a girl.) The bottom line is that a boy baby diet consists of alkaline foods while a girl baby diet consists of acidic ones, but the foods that accomplish this are often individual.
And one more thing, foods aren't the only way to change your PH in the hopes of choosing your baby's gender. Douching can do this also (as long as you use the appropriate douche for your PH and situation. You can use the strips to test how effective douching has been also.) Some women use both douching and diet to get faster or more dramatic results.
Any Gender Selection Diet Is More Effective When Combined With Other Gender Selection Methods: I would never downplay the importance of diet when you're trying to choose your baby's gender or sex. It is important and it can improve your odds. But the diet is most effective when you combine it with other things. For example, conceiving early and before ovulation increases your changes for getting pregnant with a girl baby. Conceiving late helps you get a boy baby.
The sexual positions that you use can also make a difference also. In other words, there are other things to address besides your diet. So it makes sense to cover all of your bases by incorporating all of these things and to choose the tools that can let you know if you're on the right track and are at the optimal levels to go ahead and try to conceive.
I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender. You'll find step by step instructions, resources for douche recipes and food lists, tips, support, and examples of ovulation predictors / PH testing strips.