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As time and technology has progressed so too have the many gadgets we use in our daily lives with those in the kitchen being no exception. One will find the most commonly used kitchen appliance is the cooker which is used at least once in a day in most households. The major downside in using cookers is the long time taken for the cooker to rise to the required heat. Substantial amount of research has gone into this field and given rise to innovations and one such product is the induction cooker.

Induction cookers have been the answer to the time consuming job of cooking and they have made the task much easier. They do not use traditional exothermic heating as in conventional methods. Instead they use electromagnetic induction to heat the cooking vessel such as a pot or a pan. The advantage of induction cooking is that only the cooking vessel gets hot and not the surrounding area or the air and the substantial savings on energy, thanks to the increased efficiency of such cookers compared to traditional cookers.

Induction cookers are estimated to use ninety percent of the energy effectively compared to only fifty five percent when using an open flame for cooking. The cookers also grab the heat amazingly fast and also cool down faster leaving only a little residual heat from the pan or any other cooking vessel. While in electrical cookers there is not much control over the temperature, with induction cookers the temperature can be reduced much quicker so that there is greater control over how the food is cooked and also not much time taken for cooking.

Use of induction cookers would require cookware that works with induction energy and this would involve some additional cost but considering the saving on electricity bills as well as the safety aspect it would be a wise investment.

Induction Cooker

By: Sheena Nath

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