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Auto Leasing is Easy with Leggat Leasing

Despite being a popular alternative to buying, auto leasing gets a bad rap at times. This is unfortunate because vehicle leasing is not the inherently bad value that the negative reputation suggests it is. In fact, leasing can make great financial sense. The key is to avoid the scams, and to make sure leasing fits your needs. In order to help, let's consider these leasing tips:

Leasing is about driving more car than you could afford to purchase outright. This makes financial sense if you are doing so to meet your needs for work or the needs of the family. Leasing makes less sense when done for luxury purposes.

There is a common misconception that consumers cannot negotiate leasing prices. Consider the next tip.

The main factor in the cost to the consumer is the capitalized Value, also called the gross cap cost. Similar to a car's invoice, this establishes a certain profit level for the dealer, but there is room for negotiation.

Another way to lower the capitalized value is to put money down on the lease. This is tantamount to paying for part of the least up front, and it can save you a great deal of money.

While there are exceptions, buying an end-of-lease vehicle does not generally make good financial sense. Therefore, do not take or ride out the lease with the expectation of owning it at the end.

Likewise, back-to-back leases are generally poor investments due to the depreciation of the vehicle. You're usually better off getting a new lease.

Pay particular attention to mileage limits because mileage penalties are where financially sound leases become financial nightmares. Most good leases give you 15,000 miles per year, and you can generally negotiate for that amount if the dealer has posted less.

There are plenty of lease calculators available online. Use them. Don't sign the lease that day. Take the details home, and analyze it on the computer. This is where you can discover a dishonest salesperson padding the lease.

Zero down often refers to the cap cost reduction. Be aware of this. First, it's not generally something you want to do. Second, you may have to have money in hand on the day of the lease.

Auto Leasing is Easy with Leggat Leasing

By: mark ross

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