subject: How You Can Consolidate Your Unsecured Debts Without A Loan [print this page] Debt can be debilitating both physically and mentally. It can be on your mind at any time and usually is on your mind many times each day. But there are options that can get you set up quickly on a debt management plan that can have you repaying your accounts and working towards debt freedom. There are a few different methods you can use to repay your credit card bills.
The one method that you do want to avoid is anything that involves a loan. Financing debt with a loan does not accomplish much. While it will probably reduce your payment and your interest rates, it will probably increase the amount of time that you are repaying your debt. The big problem comes with the credit that is now available on your credit cards. Many people use this credit within a short amount of time. Now they have both a loan payment and a credit card payment.
If you need help managing your credit card debt a consumer credit counseling company offers one of the best options for debt relief. These companies are nonprofit and in the business of helping people find the best way to become debt free. They will help you write a budget and educate you on other debt related matters.
The traditional debt management plan will consolidate your unsecured debts into one account so that only a single payment is all that is needed. Your interest rates are reduced to around 10% and your fees are eliminated. This will allow you pay your debt off in about half the time it would take you making minimum payments on your own.
Debt can ruin your life. If you have debt, it is important that you recognize when you need help and take the necessary steps to get it. You can be debt free, but it will take time. Make a list of what you owe and get a free quote for debt consolidation today!
by: Marjorie Salada
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