subject: The Importance Of E&o Insurance In Service Industries [print this page] If you are an individual or company that provides various services to a client in return for a fee, you have a need for e&o insurance. While most business owners understand the important of property insurance, tenants insurance, general liability insurance and workers compensation, many overlook the need for e&o insurance coverage. Because the plan is also referred to as Professional Liability Insurance, a common misconception is it is included amongst the many coverage's found in commercial liability packages. The fact is e & o insurance is a product that must be purchased separately as the coverage provided within it is excluded on all other commercial products.
The first quest many professionals in all service industries ask is what exactly is an e&o insurance policy and what does it cover? Errors and Omissions coverage, unlike General Liability policies, covers your company or you as an individual in the event you are found negligent in an act of providing a service or failing to do so. While general liability coverage is designed to reimburse for bodily injury to a third party associated with the businesses negligence, there is no physical injury associated with errors and omissions claims. If the omission or act on the part of the professional has caused a financial loss for the client, the company or individual can be sued. This lawsuit is covered by e&o insurance.
There are several different types of Professional Liability plans available through commercial brokerages. Each plan is designed to cover a specific type of professional providing a specific service within a specified industry. Your level of exposure for a claim will determine the premium of an e&o insurance quote, as well as the per claim and annual aggregate limits you choose. While doctors and physicians e & o insurance, referred to as malpractice insurance, will be extremely high in cost, professionals with less likelihood for large claims will find policies at a reasonable price.
It is important to understand that if you provide a service, whether it be web hosting, accounting, wedding planning, advertising, or various other commercial or residential services, you will have a need for professional liability insurance. If you elect not to purchase this optional coverage, you can set yourself and your company up for the possibility of damaging financial losses that can ultimately close your operation all together. With the coverage provided from e&o insurance, owners will only come out of pocket for the deductible stated on the policy rather than the judgment, settlement, and defense costs.
In a rather "sue happy" society, it is essential for businesses to cover their profits by purchasing the proper insurance coverage. Contact a reputable insurance broker and discuss the coverage you have, and where you have gaps. Protect yourself and have the peace of mind that you are prepared for any situation.
by: Bob Roberts
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