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subject: Unique & Personalised 60th Birthday Present Ideas [print this page]

Unique & Personalised 60th Birthday Present Ideas

Turning 60 marks the end of one phase of life and the beginning of the other when you start feeling old. When an individual steps into his sixtieth year, it calls for a party for the relatives, close friends and family. Invitation to these events signify a get together with many of them who have remained out of your touch for long. But this excitement is much less than the confusion that you face while deciding over the gifts to be presented to the guest of honor. Several sources can provide you the best possible 60th birthday present ideas for a terrific celebration. Numerous unique and unusual personalised gifts are available that you can easily select for the recipient stepping into his sixtieth year.

The first on the list of unusual personalised gifts are the gift baskets. Gift baskets are generally preferred for the kids containing baby accessories for use. Whether the ones for whom you are selecting the present are your grandparents or parents, gift baskets can really be the effective alternatives. When it comes to personalizing a present, you can consider the hobbies and likes as the basis of deciding what should the basket contain. As far as the 60th birthday present ideas are concerned, if one loves to listen to songs, you can search for his favorite CDs and collect them together for the recipient and present him.

Secondly, to make the day even more special for the birthday boys and girls, you can collect a series of event that were in focus from the time when the recipient was born. These unusual personalised gifts would help them be aware of the past events. Along with this, you can also present CDs and DVDs of the bestselling movies and music albums of the well-known artists of the time when he or she came into this world. Presenting the Ipods can also be among good 60th birthday present ideas in case he is a music lover. It will give him a chance to listen to his favorite music whenever he desires.

Scrapbooks, the next on the list of unusual personalised gifts will also work well for your grandparents or parents turning sixty. This is a unique option that will give you an opportunity to arrange the pictures and photographs of the recipient in a proper order. Starting from the pictures when they were born to their Christening event then their marriage and experience of becoming parents as well as grandparents. These are the 60th birthday present ideas that will give them a fair chance to remember and cherish the important events and memories of their life.

The next on the expected unusual personalised gifts list is the shadowbox. You can decorate a shadowbox nicely and fill it with the medals, certificates, cups, degrees and other achievements of the recipient. This would help them to remember their accomplishments in life and feel satisfied at the old age stage of their life. The 60th birthday present ideas might include many other materialistic items but the personalized pieces are the best options. This is not only because they are based on what the recipient likes, but also due to their ability to give a personal touch to the items and reflect your care and affection for the guest of honor.

by: john stuard
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