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subject: Find Cheap College Student Insurance [print this page]

If you're in college, or you have a son or daughter who is in college, you know how hard it can be to make sure you're protected from the costs of a car accident. That's why it's important to have good car insurance coverage. But how do you find good college student auto insurance that is still affordable? Everybody knows that college students don't have lots of extra money to spend on things like accident coverage and insurance premiums. But with a little planning, you can still get a great policy at a low price.

Types Of Insurance

First, you need to understand what auto insurance is. The most basic type of insurance, liability coverage, only protects you against the costs incurred to other vehicles from an accident you cause. Liability coverage is required in the US for every driver, and so to be legal you need to have it. However, it only covers a small part of the costs of a vehicle accident. Most people need much more coverage, and it's especially important for many college students because you don't want to graduate with a bunch of debt caused by an accident.

It's an unfortunate fact that many university towns are also good places for thieves to steal cars. College student auto coverage should include protection from theft. This is something covered in many auto insurance policies which are more comprehensive than just liability coverage. You can even insure your belongings inside the car in case they're stolen, too.

Another important type of coverage is collision coverage. A collision policy means that you get money to repair your own car if you're in an accident you caused. This can be very important, especially if you have a nicer car or one that is worth some money. Otherwise if you're in an accident, you might end up with lots of damage to your car that you have to pay for yourself. Worse, you might have a car that doesn't run. If you don't have the money to pay for repairs, that's an expensive mistake.

Tips For Saving Money

How can students save money on their auto insurance policies? There are a few simple rules to follow to get lower rates. First, have a clean driving record. Things as simple as traffic tickets, moving violations, and speeding fines can really raise your rates. Remember, the insurance company is taking a risk in covering you, so show them that you're not really much of a risk at all by being a safe driver. One of the worst things you can do here is get a DUI. This will dramatically raise your rates, possibly making your insurance unaffordable. Just don't drink and drive.

Next, be sure to get lots of quotes when you go shopping for insurance. Don't just get two or three, either, get five or ten. Choosing between many different quotes will ensure you get lower rates for the same coverage. Finding cheap college student auto insurance depends on it. Since it's so easy to get quotes these days, you don't have any excuses.

by: Steve Mackey

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