subject: Massive Payday Looms For Hsbc Chief [print this page] When deciding to sell your business it is important to first ask yourself why you want to sell the business, by understanding why you want to sell the business you will understand more not only about your own needs but also about the needs of the business itself.
He joined the HSBC Group in 1973 as an International Manage, since then he has spent twelve years in North and South America, eight years in Asia, seven years in the Middle East and three years in Europe. Mr Geoghegan arrived in Brazil in March 1997 to establish the Group's operations in the country following the creation of Banco HSBC Bamerindus S.A. He was appointed a Group General Manager of HSBC Holdings plc in the same year.
In January 2000 he became responsible for all of HSBC's business throughout South America and chaired the Group's Regional Executive Committee. In October 2000 he became President of HSBC Investment Bank Brazil which resulted from the Group's acquisition of CCF and the incorporation of certain activities of HSBC Brazil.
It is important to consider each of these points before making an offer as well as discussing them with a corporate financial advisor who will be able to explain what the impact each of the answers means to your offer.
Existing customers or suppliers who wish to expand their own company may be interesting potential buyers, as they are already related to the industry your business is in selling to a customer or supplier may make for an easy transaction. Always deal with potential buyers through a financial business advisor before entering negotiations with any party though.
Once you have all the answers you require you can then make a decision as to how to proceed, if you wish to proceed at all.
by: Paul Myers.
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