subject: Be Thankful When You Want To Attract Money [print this page] You should be thankful for everything you receive and blessing it when you give it to others. It means it brings delight to anyone to gets it. A gift like this can make a difference in a way you never imagined, especially if it gets multiplied on to others.
This is something recommended if you desire to attract money in life. Your feelings and emotions affect the manifestation process because of how they relate to the law of attraction. In this world, emotions and actions speak louder than anything else. It also means you receive even more in return, as the reward for giving is so great.
Consider giving something without any feelings or thoughts or sending money because you want to. It doesnt necessarily mean you will receive money back after you pass the gift on, but it could mean it gets passed on to others who need it even more. Your attitude in the gift process is what makes the difference. How you act tells the universe that you can handle an empty wallet and this will attract money because of this belief. This is one reason why a poor person often struggles, and it is because of their actions and mindset. These people continue to perform habits that keep them locked in a cycle of being poor.
If you carry hundred dollar bills in your pocket, you will attract more. Start carrying thousand dollar bills and it is the same. However, if you carry a credit card in your wallet, it doesnt take much to attract debt. If you use a credit card for your purchases, your actions are saying you enjoy being in debt and like owing money. You need to be thankful for what you have and you will attract money because of this belief.
by: Carla Jiroux Kaplan
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