subject: Can You Really Attract Money With Your Mind? [print this page] So many people are having troubles with their bills, their mortgage, and even finding a job these days, that it is no surprise that the subject of being able to attract money is gaining so much attention. Imagine the power you could have if you could attract not only whatever it was that you needed, but a pure abundance of wealth, well beyond what you ever thought you could have.
The good news is that being able to attract money is well within everyones grasp and you dont have to be lucky to do it. After all, as Roman philosopher Seneca said, Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity, and the same still applies centuries later.
There are people in life who always seem to have money and those who continue to build debt, no matter how hard they work. This is not luck, this is because some people have a positive, abundant attitude toward money, and others strive only hard enough to pay off their debt, and often fail. But, if you are thinking that you are trying as hard as you can to earn a living, then you are missing the boat. This is not about how hard you work, or how many hours you put in to make a living wage, but your inner, subconscious attitude.
In order to attract money, you have to think of yourself as a money magnet. You need to walk to that mailbox each day, full of excitement, wondering what wonderful things await you. You need to concentrate on what you will do with all of that wealth, and not in a negative way in other words, dont think about paying off your bills. Think only of wealth and not debt. This will help you to attract more money than you could ever imagine.
by: Carla Jiroux Kaplan
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