subject: Mindset Affects Your Business – Are you sabotaging yourself? [print this page] One of my favorite statementsit's posted all over my home and officeis, "You have to Believe to Achieve." The concept is that if you believe you can do something, you can, and if you don't believe you can do something, you absolutely cannot.
It's a bit like looking for your keys. You're looking all over your house for them, and although your keys ARE on the counter, you KNOW they are not on there (because you already looked), so you walk by again and again without seeing them. Finally your husband, your wife, your kids, your "someone" helps you look, and the keys are sitting right there on the counter where you looked 100 times. Once you believed your keys were not on the table, you couldn't see them.
Your beliefs are powerful.
Beliefs affect your ability to see opportunities, and they affect your mood, your risk-taking and ultimately your success. Many people have beliefs that limit thembeliefs that just aren't true, but that they hold anyway.
Do you have beliefs that are sabotaging your success?
Below are a few beliefs that can sabotage your business and success:
I can't charge a lot because I am not "worth it."
I can't charge much because no one will be willing to pay it.
I'm not good enough.
I can't get enough clients.
Getting clients is hard.
Money is really hard to make.
I have to struggle, work hard and sacrifice to be successful.
I will never be successful.
The economy is so bad that NO ONE is spending money.
My business is lucky to survive in this economy.
I just can't get ahead!
Life is hard.
I will never be successful.
My dreams will never come true.
I can't.
It's too hard
Your limiting beliefs block you from business success. They stop you from being able to try. They drive away opportunities that are available to you. They make you miss critical connections for business growth because you just can't see that they are there.
1.Schedule time to identify the beliefs that are not allowing you to create business success.
2.Start working on changing those beliefs.
Do your fears and self-doubts keep you from taking the action you need to take to be successful in your business? Do you have negative self-talk and limiting beliefs? Your inner critic is that voice inside your head that convinces you not to go after your dreams. Attend my webinar "Ignite Your Success by Taming Your Inner Critic" and silence your inner critic so you can take action that propels you forward.