subject: A Loan When You Are Not In Debt [print this page] Lots of people resort to a loan when they are desperately in debt and are in need of debt consolidation or else when they want to purchase homes, cars or whatever. But not much is said about loans for small businesses or even entrepreneurs. There is a safe way to achieve the necessary credit profile in order to be able to boost a small business into a prosperous one.
Not All Businesses Men Are Donald Trumps Or Bill Gates
There is an increasing amount of self-employed people who promote their own businesses. They have realized that not every entrepreneur necessarily has to be a new Bill Gates or a Donald Trump. But there is a lingering feeling that they dont have enough to lean against when it comes to asking for financial boost.
No Property Yet
Those of you who have no property yet, have another tool to resort to, such is the case of an unsecured loan. Now, lets face it. Interest rates are not necessarily the lowest, when it comes round to unsecured loans, but there are other factors that affect the outcome of a loan in a positive way. Maybe not as important as having a collateral, but, well, its what we can do with what we have, right?
A Good Plan
Whatever the line of business youre in, you must have a clear vision of what you want and where you are heading. Translated into business terms, it takes the shape of a business plan, where you state what you intend to do to make your business work and so, have enough resources with which to face the monthly payments.
A Good Image Too
When you go out to shop for a loan it is essential to give a good impression, business-like manners, knowing what your script is, well-dressed and also a good presentation. Present your business plan in a neat print-out, with items sorted out in order of importance and with information full of content for the lender to evaluate.
This content should state things like market segment you are aiming at, innovations on the regular product if any, market research quotes, (which you can get on-line and study conveniently) and all you think will give your prospective lender a good image of yourself.
Now, The Attitude
Mark Fisher, in his book The Instant Millionaire says, More important that what you can get is how much you believe you are worth. You must form an image in your mind, of a successful person, getting what you want and with a benefit for everyone. How much do you believe you are worth? That is exactly how much you will achieve.
It is not as easy to get a loan when you are just starting up, as when you have some results to show what you are capable of doing. Give proof of your determination to succeed, by giving an example. If you are just starting up, then you will have to stress the business plan part.
No Fear
Of all stumbling blocks, fear is the most important of them all. Overcome the fear of failure and youve got more than half the battle won. You may want to call it uneasiness, but its nothing but a lower grade of fear. There is always a certain risk, but the greatest risk of all is not taking the decision to advance.
Once youve taken that decision, your survival instinct will thrust you forward to get what you need in order to face loan payments and your day-to-day expenses. Its that extra effort that will make all the difference. Overcome that fear and youll be really surprised!
by: Melissa Kellett
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