subject: Does Your Family Need Cheaper Insurance? [print this page] When it comes to traffic safety, experience and training are the best assets when it comes to avoiding accidents. But a new driver, especially a teenage one, has very little of either. As a result, teen accident rates are among the highest in the driving population and their subsequent negative effect on insurance rates is significant.
Keeping your teen safe while driving is a major concern for all parents, and there are some ways that you can help make sure your teens gets the extra training and practice they need.
First, make sure that your teen gets into a good driver's ed program. Most school systems offer these, and they are usually required for minors to get their licenses.Don't hesitate to supplement this coursework with private sector classes. That extra practice and training will ultimately pay off with better driving skills.
Many areas offer courses which train their students to handle special driving conditions. Using special closed courses, the student can learn to handle slipper roads, night driving and other situations that increase the risk of driving.By taking all the coursework that is available, and spending time in low risk simulated conditions, your teen will increase skills and potentially become better drivers.
Much of this coursework can be used to reduce the effect that your new teen driver has on your insurance rates. But even if it doesn't apply directly, all of this training will help your teen establish a personal record of safe driving over time.
by: Kyle Mann
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