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subject: How To Get Ripped Abs Review [print this page]

Ask any trainer or read any fitness article to find out how to lose belly fat and develop flat six pack abs and the answer you'll typically find includes various techniques such as morning cardio, circuit training, low carb diets, high volume weight training, and ab supersets. I can go on but I know you've already heard this all before.

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Unfortunately, more often than not, these techniques actually do MORE DAMAGE to your metabolism and make your belly fat even MORE stubborn!

So, if these techniques are not effective, why do the experts recommend them? Great question.

Well first of all, the majority of these experts learn their techniques from reading studies. I have found that most of these studies are dead wrong. Many techniques work in the lab under controlled conditions for a couple of weeks, but...

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If these studies were continued longer, the results would have proven to be short lived.

And secondly, most so called experts don't know how to use the fundamental benefit of each valid technique and integrate them as part of a total fat melting program to achieve real world results!

Did you catch that? 90 percent of the BEST fat loss techniques actually damage your metabolism! This is a huge problem, because if your metabolism slows your belly fat will never budge!

The simple fact that all these "experts" seem to gloss over is this: Only with a fast metabolism can you quickly lose your unsightly belly fat and keep ilt off for LIFE!

So it is absolutely crucial that you maintain a fast metabolism while you lose your unwanted fat. Most fat loss "techniques" out there fail miserably at this critical task, and thus, you simply cannot lose fat and keep it off with these failed systems.

The bottom line is, if you lower your metabolism during a fat loss program, your body will look terrible and the fat will come roaring back.

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How To Get Ripped Abs Review

By: Geoffey Moor

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