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Heavy Truck Insurance

Truck like vehicle which are considered as heavy type of vehicle holds a very important place in today's business because they are the main carriers because of which interstate transportation is possible. Since this vehicle carry tons of goods everyday therefore the transporters and the dealers always go for their insurance. With each travel there is a risk of millions of dollars. Since this are special type of vehicle mend only for heavy transportation therefore their insurance are also not easy and depends on their weight.

Trucks which have a weight of more than 10000 GVW (gross vehicle weight) fall into special or heavy truck insurance and they fall under different coverage and also pay 20-30 times more premium than the general trucks. Also it depends on the cargo it carries and the age of the truck. There are benefits if the cargo is also insured.

For heavy truck insurance the mandatory coverage which is mandatory from the US government and federal agencies is the liability coverage which range from $35,000 to $1, 00,000. The coverage depends on the operation of the truck the driving records and also on the driving region.

For the calculation the numbers of things which are considered by the insurance companies are type of vehicle, value of vehicle, the type of cover requested, the age of regular drivers as young drivers are known to be risk drivers, the operating radius of the vehicle, claim history from the prior years, also one of the last important thing which is given importance is very crucial that the company for which the vehicle work, how they manages their risk. Since ultimately the premium payers are the companies to which the cargo belongs or the transporter.

In this way the coverage are selected based on the amount of and how valuable cargo it carries everyday. The coverage are more or like an auto insurance mainly concentrating on the liability first because if a accidents happens with a truck then the third party is going to loose in great therefore covering that third party is very important and then comes the own cargo or we can say the property of the truck. It also depends on the type of driver who is driving therefore generally companies try to hire those drivers who have a good history of driving so that the premium can go down to an extent and also they can assure themselves in terms of their property. But all the coverage are higher in cost than the auto insurance coverage.

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Heavy Truck Insurance

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