subject: Strange Things About Credit Cards You Should Know [print this page] Do you use your address on your applications for credit, or do you use a mailbox or a post office box? If you use a mailbox or such, the best thing you can do now is use your permanent address for any future applications for credit. This will improve your chances. Just like Big Brother, credit companies like to know where you are all the time! If you are out of town frequently and use a post office box as an easy option, this will be held against you in getting credit as it implies that you have no address. Also, if you do not have a landline phone, now is definitely the time to get one! Using a listed cell phone is not enough in the credit companies' eyes (maybe they need glasses!); using a land line on all your applications and
connecting them to your residential address could help in your fight for credit.
If you see yourself moving in the near the future, for whatever reason maybe you are getting divorced or separated, or maybe you just want to live somewhere elseuse your parents' address or the address of someone you know who is not moving anytime soon on your credit application.
This way, when the credit companies look at your account all they see is stability. They don't like to see multiple addresses; they see this as huge instability and assume (they are probably wrong, but they don't actually play ball here) that you have lost your job, became ill or cannot work, andso on. Whether the credit card companies are right or not does not matter; keep that address stable and you will find it so much easier to get the credit that you need. A really good tip to take on board here is that you could send a letter to all of the credit bureaus to remove any address on your credit file that is not accurate; they will remove it, thus removing all older addresses from your credit file!
by: Jim Atman
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