subject: Free Federal Tax Return Filing 2010 Online Is The Best Way [print this page] There are many websites that offer the ability to file your federal tax return free or at a minimal cost. It would be simple to simply go online and choose the first website that offers an online tax filing service. But before you make a selection, it would be worth your time to evaluate your online tax filing service against a set of criteria to be sure you're dealing with a qualified vendor.
Choose a website that offers a free online tax estimator. This tool will allow you to estimate how much you'll owe prior to filing your actual taxes. The extra time allows you the opportunity to investigate other tax deductions you might be eligible for or save enough money to pay the taxes that you'll owe. Even if you're expecting a refund, being able to plan ahead is an added bonus.
Using Federal Tax filing Websites
If the above-mentioned methods are not convenient for you, you could avail of the services of a free tax-filing website. You can use any of the several websites available, and the good news is that they are all authentic and reliable.
After completing a federal tax return form, a person can send it either electronically or by mail to the IRS. If people opt for filing returns by mail they can find directions on where to send them in the tax instruction booklet of form 1040. It is advisable for taxpayers to use the envelope and the appropriate mailing label while mailing returns. All check payments should be made payable to "United States Treasury".
Why is the Internal Revenue doing this?
The IRS has a goal of 80% of all Federal tax returns to be filed online by the year 2007. Currently over 70 million people are filing their taxes online.
The Federal Government believes that electronic tax preparation provides a more accurate way of preparing and filing taxes.
The Federal Government also believes that a partnership with existing tax software companies will provide the the best service to taxpayers.
by: John Miller
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