subject: The Brave New World Of Un-eco Government ! [print this page] And also to tax, regulate, and micromanage the average human knave and serf into complete an utter submission. The same program as the Muslims possess but with a 'green' and 'morally pure' twist. The Copenhagen 'Agreement' which will be debated and probably signed by the 'advanced' nations this December, is an obvious attempt at creating the first steps towards a World Government. Its 181 pages make that clear. The UN will try to 're-purpose' itself into Mother Gaia's guardian and get involved in all the nattering details of life in the developed world. This is even better than Prophet Obamed's hopey and dopey changey !
It is a signal change in UN strategy. Long desirous to run the world, the UN fell into irrelevance during the Cold War. Now the UN is attempting to create under 'benign' Mother Earth auspices, a world government. Eco-Marxism run amok. Once the UN morphs into a 'legal government' controlling all aspects of carbon systems and associated industrialized development, it will be a short hop to controlling other facets of existence. The entire edifice of the modern world will come under UN mandates. Unelected, unaccountable UN bureaucracies will simply feast and fatten themselves upon the unknowing and bemused muddled masses.
That is what the Copenhagen Treaty is all about World Government.
Lord Monckton said it best. Interviewed by broadcaster Alan Jones on Sydney radio Monday, he said"
"....this is the first time I've ever seen any transnational treaty referring to a new body to be set up under that treaty as a 'government.' But it's the powers that are going to be given to this entirely unelected government that are so frightening." He added: "The sheer ambition of this new world government is enormous right from the startthat's even before it starts accreting powers to itself in the way that these entities inevitably always do."
Once the UN 'government' responsible for 'Climate Change' is assembled, it will simply get bigger, uglier and more intrusive. The impacts and unintended consequences will be enormous. The climate of course will not be affected. Co2, as any dolt knows, is a natural chemical necessary for life and it follows climate by hundreds of years or more. Humans emitting 1% of all gaseous emissions into the atmosphere have no noticeable impact of course, on the 1 million variables which compose climate, including that small variant the Sun.
As Janet Albrechtsen wrote at the 'Australian', the frightening aspect of Climate Change theology is the naked lust for power within the UN and elsewhere to destroy the individual, the nation state, and rationality, in the pursuit of a global cult of irrationality:
And how will developed countries be slugged to provide for this financial flow to the developing world? The draft text sets out various alternatives, including option seven on page 135, which provides for "a [global] levy of 2 per cent on international financial market [monetary] transactions to Annex I Parties." Annex 1 countries are industrialized countries, which include among others the U.S., Australia, Britain and Canada.
To be sure, countries that sign international treaties always cede powers to a U.N. body responsible for implementing treaty obligations. But the difference is that this treaty appears to have been subject to unusual attempts to conceal its convoluted contents. And apart from the difficulty of trying to decipher the U.N. verbiage, there are plenty of draft clauses described as "alternatives" and "options" that should raise the ire of free and democratic countries concerned about preserving their sovereignty.
The only nation which stands between the lunacy of a new UN 'government' managing the carbon based world is the US. If the Prophet Obamed and his radical socialist friends in the US congress latch onto this Treaty and force the US to ratify it, we will be seeing the ceding of vast tracts of national independence to the UN. Taxes, regulations and government involvement in all details of industrial policy will natural follow from the ratification granting the UN wide-sweeping powers to 'combat' climate change. The idiocy of the idea battling 1 million variables to ensure 'a static climate', is obvious to anyone who can think.
What remains unanswered is why national politicians are so keen to give up their sovereignty ? And why do citizens who are already raped through over-taxation and governmental incompetence, put up with it ? Since when did a One World Marxist government become such a great idea ? Orwell and Huxley - too optimistic.
by: C. Read
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