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subject: Manufacturing Journalist TR Cutler Expands Coverage of Six Sigma Utilization with JPines Media Assistance [print this page]

Manufacturing Journalist TR Cutler Expands Coverage of Six Sigma Utilization with JPines Media Assistance

JPines Media filters, evaluates, and determines the efficacy of industrial technology applications and solutions on behalf of TR Cutler, Inc. (

Thomas R. Cutler is the most published freelance industrial journalist, authoring more than five hundred feature articles annually. TR Cutler has been published in more than a thousand Business-to-Business industrial journals and trade publications as well as numerous textbooks.

JPines Media ( recently entered a strategic partnership with TR Cutler, Inc. and will be developing the research elements, case studies, white papers, and product profiles for the Florida-based journalist. Jarrod I. Pines, President of the Michigan-based consultancy, noted, "The initial series of feature articles that Cutler will be authoring center around Six Sigma applications. Cutler has written more about the topic of Six Sigma for manufacturing than any other journalist in the past decade. We want to make sure that companies involved with Six Sigma in manufacturing are documented and profiled."

JPines Media devised a comprehensive media outreach program which allows clients in these market sectors to capture massive media presence at a fraction of the usual costs. Through proprietary global media technologies, exclusively developed with JPines Media, participants are able to both quantitatively and qualitatively assess the impact of this marketing campaign.

Cutler suggested, "In order to author the five hundred plus feature articles each year, we needed to turn to an inventive, industrious, and diligent media consultancy. JPines Media is a perfect fit to determine those manufacturing firms or technologies serving the manufacturing sector. Jarrod Pines will be examining which companies bring a creative, dynamic, unique, and special utilization of Six Sigma solutions to manufacturing, distribution, and supply chain operations."

Unlike other media outreach organizations, JPines Media utilizes extraordinary and voluminous techniques to spotlight the very best of clients' unique features, advantages, and benefits.

Manufacturing Journalist TR Cutler Expands Coverage of Six Sigma Utilization with JPines Media Assistance

By: Jarrod Pines

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