subject: How Overselling Affects The Hosting Business [print this page] Website hosting is not a new thing to discussWebsite hosting is not a new thing to discuss. When you think about the exposure of your business in the international market this is obvious to go for online resources. A well-designed and optimized websites is the best resource for this exposure. The next step is to choose a reliable hosting company for your website. A good host ensures that your website is running properly 247365. If your website is closed for sometime it means that your online store is not in function at that time.
There are several benefits of hosting your website to a reliable host. Your business gets online exposure in the international market through your website and anyone can see your website any time. You can contact others through your e-mail id. You never need to worry about your websites down time. Your problem will be solved within the given time. You will be able to use all the resources provided by hosting company without any problem.
Losses of overselling: A reliable hosting company always cares about his clients. He provides all the resources equally to all his clients, but sometimes hosting companies become selfish and they oversell their services. This problem is found specially in shared hosting, where a host hosts many websites on a single server. So the disc space, band-width, RAM and other resources are used by all the websites equally. A host can sell a limited number of websites on one server.
If he crosses the limit and oversells the hosting space, his clients have to face several problems and issues.
1. Sometimes hosting companies provide unlimited space to attract visitors towards them. Most of the clients don't use the space more than required so the system works fine, but problems start when host oversells the space and more than the estimated clients use the unlimited space. Other websites have to bare the loss of space in this case.
2. Because of this overselling it becomes unsustainable for other websites on that server. They have to bare the loss of bandwidth that was committed to them.
3. Website that is using big resources of that server can be banned because this is the only way left for hosting provider to ignore the loss.
4. This overselling increases the CPU overuses because of which the speed of the server is affected. Server becomes slower than usual and gets down sometimes.
5. Other website owners on that server have to suffer from the loss of their online business hours. Most of the online businesses use their websites for money transaction, if their server is not up at the time of an urgent transaction they may have to face a loss.
6. This overselling leads the hosting provider to put more restrictions and one-sided contracts on his clients. The client gets annoyed of these restrictions and moves to another host.
The conclusion is that overselling of a hosting space always leads to the unsuccessful business. In which both clients and service provider has to suffer. This is the duty of a host to think beyond the selfishness and provide with true business to his clients. You should also be careful while choosing a web hosting company to host your website.
by: Deepak Negi.
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