subject: The business of calumny by Benedict Ahanonu [print this page]
In fact, I call it business because some benefit from it. However, calumny as an act began at the Garden of Eden when God was a target of satanic calumny and Satan deceived the woman by making this unfair statement about God: " for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."
What Satan implied was that God deliberately did not want the woman and man to be like him and this inspired hatred of God in the woman, which later led to the rebellion of eating the forbidden fruit. You may as well ask: if Satan had good intentions for the woman, why was he unable to take her to the fruit of life everlasting, which as at then was not forbidden?
Let me clarify, calumny is not like hauling somebody over the coals, rather it can be described as a case of intentional falsehood.
Every dose of calumny has evil intent, never made in good faith and aims at instigating unnecessary strife and dissension.
Often those that do calumnies operate from a disadvantaged position. They are born losers like drowning men grasping at straws. They also have a deep-rooted sense of inferiority; always second rate and will never reach the top.
They are doomed like biblical Korah but hate to die alone; reason is that they have a clique, a paid mouthpiece and slander/libel machinery.
Maliciousness is the integral part of calumny and because it is barefaced, it neglects the other side of complexity, which is the possibility of failure.
In case you do not know, calumny is instigated by hate and jealousy. The ground on which calumny thrives is mediocrity while its favourite medium is falsehood.
Calumny and those who do it are heartless and self-seeking. Because their apparel is darkness, they hate light and you will also notice that the moment calumny gains ground in any environment or within a group, there follows rebellion and unrest of various kinds.
The business of calumny is everywhere, in the family, church, government etc. Once in heaven, Satan through a campaign of calumny against God, which was carefully orchestrated, led many angels into rebellion against their maker and having been cast out from heaven, he planted the seed of calumny at the Garden of Eden as I have stated earlier and thence, calumny became commonplace.
In Africa, it was a campaign of calumny by opponents that saw off Ghana's Kwameh Nkrumah. The same thing happened to the immediate past president of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki. Calumny is also the most important weapon of Zimbabwe's Mugabe against the Opposition.
Here in Nigeria, calumny has taken a new dimension; it is now big business. Just look around and you will find a semblance of it. Almost everybody is doing it. On daily basis, most local and national tabloids are awash with sensational calumnies and many people mistakenly take them at face value, passing wrong judgments and jumping to conclusions in the process.
The business of calumny by Benedict Ahanonu
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