subject: What Type Of Mail Service You Should Use When Selling Things On Ebay [print this page] When you decide to start a home business on eBay, there are a lot of things you should think about. Besides deciding what type of products you are going to sell, you will also have to decide where to take your merchandise from, what type of payment you should accept, where are you going to take the packaging materials from and what shipping method will you use.
This latter issue may take you a lot of time. To make your quest easier, here are the main services offered by the United States Post Office. Knowing the features of all the below listed services will help you save a lot of money and will guarantee you that your package will reach its destination safely.
1.First Class Mail
This service is very suitable for those who are selling small items. If the items you have to deliver weight under 14 oz, this is the cheapest solution you can find.
2.Media Mail
This type of service is designed for those who want to sell books, CDs or DVDs containing music, films, e-books or other types of media items. If you are selling media products you will save a lot of money by choosing this type of service. Yet, before going for media mail, you should also take a look at first class mail and see which one is cheaper.
3.Parcel Post
Parcel Post is very useful when it comes to sending big parcels over long distances. This service allows you to pay less for a large package sent on a long distance than if you would have sent it by priority mail.
4.Priority Flat Rate Boxes
If you have a small package which is quite heavy, you can send it with priority flat rate boxes service. Yet, even though sometimes this service can be cheaper, there are some cases in which choosing priority mail service is cheaper.
Knowing exactly what type of mail service is best for your package may help you save a lot of money. To be sure that the item you send reaches its destination safe without paying too much on its delivery you should make a thorough search before sending it.
by: R Vignesh Kumar
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