subject: How To Get A Payday Loans Extension [print this page] How do we understand payday loan extension? Every time we avail some loans, we should know when to pay it back and how long are we allowed to have an extension.
Usually, payday loan companies offered a loan extension. This is an option given to the borrowers. We know that there are countless reasons why sometimes we cannot meet our financial obligations with the payday lender. There might have some emergencies or unwanted expenses. These are verily accommodated by payday lenders, that is why payday loan extension exists.
When we happen to obtain payday loans, we must first and foremost, carefully read the terms and conditions so that we will distinguish or determine what to do when we need to file or apply for a loan extension. This is the most important thing to know about when availing loans.
In life, it is always important to acquire knowledge beforehand in whatever aspect to ensure security and safety. With loans, we can ask the customer service representative about the information regarding loan extension.
What is most important thing to consider is that, when we file for loan extension, it should be done on the specific date or within a certain period of time. Usually, lenders accept requests for loan extension on the day before the loan is due. Thus, it would be better if we have it a day before the loan's due date.
If for instance, we forgot to request for a loan extension and we still extend the payments, the lender will charge us with late fees. This is also does not exempt for the future loan applications we may avail. Very the same thing will happen, so we must really be very careful.
This loan extension may also take place via online mode. There are three simple steps to file for it. This is made possible for the convenience of the clients or the borrowers.
The following steps are:
1. We access our personal account by entering our username and password
2. We should click a link or check a box indicating that we intends to request for a loan extension
3. Then, we enters the new due date of our payday loan.
These simple steps must be followed to successfully be approved for loan extension and these can avoid default payments and additional charges for the late fee.
Usually, the new due date is the next payday. We are not free to choose any date we want. The new due date cannot be the next day after the original date. Other lenders require that the new due date should be less than eighteen days from the original date. This means that the new date must not be a month or two months away.
Now, if the request for the loan extension is approved, the lender will debit the interest of the loan from our bank account. This is usually stated in the terms and conditions which include the amount to be deducted from us. This is sent to us by the lender.
As always been said, everything has its own limitations. Thus, this loan extension has its limitations too. The limitations are determined by the law of the State.
Remember, we are only allowed to make as much as three loan extensions. After the third try, if we are still unable to repay the loan amount, we must arrange with the lender for other possible way of settling the loan.
One very common way, aside from loan extension is giving partial payments. This allows us to have a lesser amount and lesser interest to pay on the next payday. To know the details of paying partial payments, we should refer to the loan lender where we have borrowed the cash.
Considering default payments, this way is often advised and preferred by lenders. So, if we are unable to pay the loan amount fully for instance, we need to opt for partial payments strategy.
by: Princess Lee
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