subject: How to Handle Your Financial Struggles God's Way [print this page] Economic times like these are hard on everyone. Just as the people of Sodom and Gomorrah got swept up by the enemy in Genesis 14:11-12, we have also been caught in a storm. Recessions and financial struggles have harmed thousands and thousands of families. The large numbers of job losses and foreclosures lead us to wonder what might happen next.2 Chronicles 20 shares an excellent example of how God expects us to approach the battles that come into our lives. It is a wonderful illustration of how we should face our current and future financial challenges.In this chapter, King Jehoshaphat found himself having to face some enemies who were coming to make war. Let's review how King Jehoshaphat handled it.Go to GodFirst, in verse 3, he decided to go to God. The king knew this battle was beyond him, so he went to the source of his strength.Remove distractionsIn that same verse, he declared a fast for the entire nation. Sometimes, we need to remove the distractions in our lives so that we can clearly hear God.Come together as a Christian familyIn verse 4, the people came together to seek God's help. We cannot face the enemy alone. We need God, and we need our family to help us battle the enemy. Our Christian family is full of prayer warriors who can intercede for us in the midst of our struggles. In turn, we need to also make sure that we are available to help and pray for those who need us.Remember the promiseIn verses 5-9, King Jehoshaphat prayed to God, remembering the promises God made to Abraham and his descendants. We are also Abraham's descendants. We are also heirs to the promise, and we should not forget it. We should cry out to God when we are distressed, so He will hear and save us.Recognize our limitationsAs the king's prayer continues, in verse 12, he recognizes their human limitations. We cannot beat the enemy in our own strength. We have to turn our eyes to God.Wait on God for directionIn verse 15, God responds. Not only does He tell the people of Judah not to fear, but He also gives them specific instructions on how to handle the situation. In 2 Chronicles 20:15, the Lord says, "Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's." (NIV)Face your enemyGod does not expect us to hide from our problems. He continues in 2 Chronicles 20:17, "You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you." (NIV)While we may not have to fight the battle, we still have to show up.Praise God through it allIn verse 18-28, the king and the people of Judah worshipped and praised God. They had yet to go into battle, but they still remembered to praise God in the midst of their problem. They praised Him on the way to the battle.Upon getting to the battle site, they found that the problem had been eliminated. They praised God all the way home.Give God the gloryAs 2 Chronicles 20:29 illustrates, this battle proved to every nation who God was. God uses our struggles for His glory. He brings us through not only to remind us of who He is, but also to show non-believers who He is. Let God use you in that way.
How to Handle Your Financial Struggles God's Way
By: Ozeme J Bonnette
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