subject: Commercial Insurance Terms Explained [print this page] Professional Indemnity is insurance for a business that is going to be providing some advisory or consultation service, where its employee will be giving professional advice on the company's behalf. Professional Indemnity will protect your business from any liability arising from third party losses sustained due to the negligence of you or your employees.
Credit Insurance will protect your business in the occurrence that customers fail to pay their invoices, however the risk involved for the insurer means that credit insurance can be difficult to obtain unless your business has been up and running for some time. Legal expense insurance will help cover your business for legal cost incurred in the event of a legal dispute.
Public liability provides legal cover and protection against any third party claims for loss or damages that have occurred during the course of your business; this is often a wise choice of insurance for businesses that involve the public, for instance retailers or leisure facilities. Product liability is necessary for any business manufacturing products; it protects the business against claims that the products you manufacture are faulty and have caused loss to the owner.
Premises Insurance is necessary to provide cover against fire or any other perils; however ensure that you thoroughly check your policy details and are aware of what exactly your premises is covered for. Office insurance will provide cover for office equipment such as computers; faxes etc depending on your office requirements, and similarly factory Insurance will provide cover for machinery and equipment, as well as fire and theft etc within your businesses factory. If you work from home, home office insurance will provide cover for the necessary office equipment; often home office insurance is not included in house insurance so do not make any assumptions.
Employer's liability is necessary if you have, or intend to have, employee, and will protect you against any claims for bodily harm or death to employees that have occurred during the course of employment. Fidelity insurance will protect you against any losses suffered from employees acting fraudulently or dishonestly. Should a key employee suddenly be unable to work through death or disability key person insurance will cover their direct replacement which may require specialist training; when taking our key person insurance ensure you obtain detailed advice on what it involves and what will be covered as it requires detailed knowledge.
Business travel insurance, as with ordinary travel insurance, will provide cover for the loss or damage of business equipment during travel. Check the policy as business travel insurance can also include the costs of emergency couriers for the delivery of replacement items; and some will cover for the unexpected occurrence of illness or death whilst on a business trip covering the costs for another employee to take their place. Commercial motor insurance will insure your liability to others in the case of a car crash or other motor vehicle incident. This includes death or injury to anybody (but not death or injury to employees while they are working, as they are covered by employer's liability insurance).