subject: Five Good Reasons You Might Decide Not To Obtain Settlement Loans [print this page] Have you ever given serious consideration as to what arguments may be made against obtaining either lawsuit loans or settlement loans? Many people have gone beyond just answering yes, and have actually started off to take action. For many it's just a passing thought that never gets anywhere and is soon forgotten. A great number of people never try because they do not fully understand where to start. Others believe it might require a considerable amount of work, making them lose interest. Others are either too lazy to try or lack sufficient motivation.
Are these explanations really logical? Are they convincing? Were the reasons in favor considered? Did both the Pro- as well as the Con-side get considered? The issue is of sufficient importance to warrant thoughtful analysis.
Maybe there should be a little bit more contemplation... Let's just have a look at 5 reasons in support of avoiding obtaining settlement loans and put a bit of balanced perspective inside the conversation.
First of all, individuals should never consider obtaining either lawsuit loans or settlement loans if they are filing frivolous claims. Correct. You point out that you desperately need the money. I quickly agree that may be a valid concern. However, most of us know a frivolous lawsuit when we see it. Certainly, if an individual is pursuing a claim in which facts have been falsified, this is certainly a frivolous act. Even more importantly, you should consider that it may be classified as a "malicious" act. If the latter is the case, the plaintiff may be subjected to some severe penalties.
Second, individuals should not consider obtaining litigation funding if the perceived value of the claim is less than $10,000. That is really the way it is because it should be borne in mind that litigation funding is customarily limited to 10% of the perceived value of the claim. Therefore, for those pursuing lawsuit loans and settlement loans, it is preferable to reserve such funding for cases that are likely to be awarded a minimum of $10,000. If the perceived value of your claim is $10,000, you are often able to obtain as much as $1000 in litigation funding. (Remember, when obtaining lawsuit funding, if you do not prevail in the underlying claim, you repay absolutely nothing.) Although it is true that many individuals obtain litigation funding for as little as $100, the effort expended is seldom worth while. One must seriously consider both the value of the offending obtained and the effort required to obtain that funding in such instances.
Third, individuals should not pursue either lawsuit loans or settlement loans if their attorneys are either opposed to such funding or unwilling to cooperate with underwriters seeking to obtain a proper valuation of your claim. In addition to the foregoing, without your attorney's cooperation, your request for lawsuit funding is essentially "dead-in-the-water"!
Fourth, individuals should not obtain a lawsuit loan prior to having a clear understanding of litigation funding. It only takes a modicum of effort to obtain requisite understanding. However, it is necessary to seek guidance from those who are experienced in this relatively new industry. It is often preferable to work with a broker who'll be able to direct you to many funding-entities, as opposed to being limited to one particular group of underwriters. Certainly, when working with a broker, you significantly enhance the likelihood of obtaining the funding that you seek.
Last, but not necessarily least, individuals should not pursue lawsuit loans and settlement loans if their intent is merely to squander the funds obtained.
Consider all those reasons in turn. Think about how they impact you. Clearly, there's several reasons that individuals should not seek either lawsuit loans or settlement loans.
Now, take a look at all of those reasons and evaluate them. Admittedly, there are several factors one must take into consideration prior to obtaining either lawsuit loans or settlement loans.
Once you review your options regarding lawsuit funding, you undoubtedly will realize that although there are many tremendous benefits to obtaining lawsuit loans and settlement loans, there are clearly at least 5 reasons why you should consider other options.
by: Dr. Tom Rhudy
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