subject: Mpb Today Review - (the One The Company Doesn't Want You To Read) [print this page] If you read an MPB Today review from someone already in the company... you're getting a skewed version of the truth. Prepare to get the truth my friend.
Whether you like this opportunity or not you can't argue the fact that they are getting people to take action in MASS numbers. The last count I heard was 30,000 people have jumped into MPB Today since it's inception.
So what gives?
Why haven't I gotten all flustered and jumped on board the launchpad of the next big wave?
2 reasons...
And if you are seriously looking at making money from home... I mean real, solid... LONG TERM money... I highly advise you to consider the points I'm about to make in this MPB Today review.
#1) I don't believe the product delivers much value.
What do you get when you drop your $200 bucks to get into this company?
You get a certificate redeemable for $200 worth of mail order groceries. It's for this reason that MPB reps are shouting from the mountain tops that this is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Seems like an easy decision right?
Only catch is... you have to pay for the shipping on the goods.
Now... I live in Idaho and according to the shipping calculator I used... I learned that in order to get my groceries I was going to have to spend another eighty or so dollars in shipping costs.
So picture this... I run over to my friend (Leo's) house and say... oh dude... you gotta check this out.... I found a place where we can trade $200 dollars cash for $280 worth of groceries.
I don't think Leo is going to be too excited about that.
So... who is going to become an MPB customer strictly for the value it provides? Not very many people. It's this point that I endeavor to make with all the MPB reps I run across. When I make this attempt they kindly point out to me that when you cycle your shipping is free.
They get left holding the bag.
The bag of overpriced groceries that is.
Unless you want to build your business on a shaky and unstable foundation... you may want to consider that there needs to be REAL value in return for the money you collect from your clients.
Sure.. in theory pyramid schemes should work great and everyone will be rich. Only problem is, many people will not do what it take to grow the pyramid and that's where people get hurt if they've put money in without getting a product or service in return.
They lose!
Network marketing is a legitimate business model BECAUSE (in theory) we are supposed to provide value in exchange for the money. If you have a marketable product that helps people, NO ONE LOSES in network marketing even if some are unable to build a business.
1 more thing...
#2) I want to retire eventually!
2 by 2 matrix plans have a 1 time investment. Sounds good in the beginning but don't be too quick to jump on board that bandwagon.
How would I know?
I've worked this compensation plan before. I made money.. it was cool but then something happened...
When I stopped recruiting.... the money stopped coming in.
Compare that to a network marketing organization that I built last year. I haven't touched that business for 9 months and guess what?
My family still gets a nice sized check every month.
If you want you and/or your team to be recruiting for eternity... you might consider a 2 by 2 matrix plan.
If you want to build something that will continue to pay you after you stop working you need to be involved in a program that gives people the sense of building a future for their families. One time "buy ins" will never command this type of loyalty and commitment.
It's in this way that you can build a strong team of loyal business partners that can all work together to achieve AMAZING, Life changing FREEDOM!
To conclude this MPB today review let me just say that it's NOT a scam. It's a real company that delivers some value for the investment. They also pay commissions when you do the work required of you.
Lots of people LOVE it.
To determine if it's for you... you'll really have to evaluate your goals & your values. I hope I've given you some things to think about.
by: Paul Hutchings.
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