subject: How To Master Your Mindset For Business Success [print this page] I'm a firm believer in taking control of your mindset, and especially the way you feel, in order to create the successful business of your dreams. Using the Law of Attraction in business can be incredibly powerful.
I remember when I first watched The Secret, which was just before I started my first home business. I decided to concentrate on an amount of money that I would like to earn in the next 2 months that I felt was believable. This figure was $15,000. At the time it was ambitious but not outside of the realm of possibility (I wasn't dreaming of a $1 million for example, as my brain would simply refute it and it would be a worthless exercise). So, for a month I thought of this figure over and over, felt what it would feel like to earn this amount, and believed that I had already earned it. The contracts and money started to roll in, I got busy, distracted and I soon forgot about my $15,000 dream. That was until six months later when I was going back over invoices and contracts and planning for the next six months. I suddenly realized that every single one of my contracts had ended up being worth around $15,000. I didn't realize it at the time, but when I did the figures, they each magically worked out to be within $1,000 of this $15,000 mark. I was amazed! Imagine if instead of $15,000 I'd concentrated on $30,000 or $50,000? And so - I did! Here are some steps you can take to use your mindset for business success:
1. Create new money beliefs: What are your money beliefs? Do you believe you must work hard to earn money? That money doesn't come easily? That you'll achieve nothing worthwhile unless you toil for hours every day? Overcome these believes by creating new affirmations that support you in working less and earning more. Start telling yourself that 'money comes easily', 'life is good', 'I'm a debt free millionaire', etc.
2. Work out exactly what you want for your business. More clients - how many exactly? More money in your business bank account - how much exactly and by when? Awards - which ones will you receive? Work out in great detail a picture of how your business looks when it is successful, and how you look, behave and feel when this is reality.
3. Create some visualizations around business success. What pictures can you paint in your mind that show your success? Is it your mother or father congratulating you? Are you living in an amazing home? Are you driving your dream car? Are you standing on stage addressing a captive audience, or receiving an award? Come up with a few mind movies that make you feel successful.
4. Concentrate on the end result. Don't sabotage your positive state of mind by worrying about HOW you'll achieve your success. Just concentrate on what you feel once you're already there.
5. Give yourself the gift of time. Set aside 10 minutes every day to get into a good feeling place about money and then concentrate on your affirmations and visualizations. Do it each and every day.
6. Create a library of mindset resources - read books, web sites, subscribe to e-newsletters, anything that will continue to expand your mind and help you realize that your mindset is 90% of your success.
7. Be grateful for what you already have achieved. If you can't think of anything in particular - be grateful for the fact you have a home computer, phone line, subscription to Home Biz Chicks (!) - you can always find things to be grateful for.
8. Continue to feel good. If you find yourself slipping into a negative spiral make a concerted effort to get back into your good-feeling place and practice some more visualizations and affirmations.
9. Don't beat yourself up for being negative. The good news is that you don't have to monitor every single thought you have every moment of the day. Your positive feelings are much more powerful than negative ones, so just spending 10 minutes a day visualizing your success will have a greater impact than the occasional negative or anxious thought.
For more detail on creating the best mindset for success there are plenty of articles relating to this at Home Biz Chicks.
2009 Home Biz Chicks
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by: Suepapadoulis
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