subject: Play Poker Online For Free Guide To Poker Card, Pocket And Hand Name Nicknames [print this page] In this free poker online learn how to play poker guide we will demystify some of the weird names used in poker to name the different cards hand combinations. At the end you will not be totally lost when playing poker and words such as Monarch, Duck and Ashtray (to mention but a few) get thrown about!
Firstly lets see what the popular nicknames for individual cards are. Then the ranked order of 'pocket cards' (what you get dealt at the start of a poker game). I've split pockets into 2 sections, paired and unpaired, in the case of unpaired I've listed the ones that are considered most playable. Finally you'll learn some of more popular and famous hands.
The 13 cards used in poker are often nicknamed. A letter or number symbol is also often used to identify the cards.
- Ace - Bullet, Rocket (A)
- King - Cowboy, Monarch (K)
- Queen - Lady, Dame, Dyke (Q)
- Jack - Knave, Hook, Fishhook, (J)
- 10 - Dime (T)
- 9 - Niner (9)
- 8 - Snowman, Fat Lady, Ocho (8)
- 7 - Hockey Stick (7)
- 6 - Boot (6)
- 5 - Spot (5)|Jesse James
- 4 - Sailboat, Sharp Top, Four spot (4)
- 3 - Trey, Crab (3)
- 2 - Deuce, Duck (2)
When a poker games starts the first cards out are called the pockets, they are ones only you get to see and are the basis of what you hope will be your winning hand. If you get 2 cards of the same type, e.g., 2 Queens, then you have what are known as a Pocket Pair, this happens about 6-7% of the time (or once every 16 deals)
In order of "power" they are:
- AA - Pocket Rockets, Rockets, Bullets, or American Airlines
- KK - Cowboys, King Kong, Gorillas, Kangaroos, Monarchs, or Krispy Kreme
- QQ - Ladies, Hookers, or Siegfried & Roy
- JJ - Fishhooks, Hooks, Jokers, or Jay Birds
- TT - Dimes or Tension
- 99 - Gretzky, Popeye's, or Phil Hellmuth
- 88 - Snowmen, Fat Ladies, Dog Balls, or Race Tracks
- 77 - HockeySticks, SunsetStrip, or Mullets
- 66 - Route 66, Kicks, or Cherries
- 55 - Presto, Speed Limit, or Nickels
- 44 - Magnum, Sail Boats, or Middle Age
- 33 - Crabs or Treys
- 22 - Ducks, Pocket Swans, or Deuces.
Of course we all want to get pocket pairs but sadly 6% or every 16th hand isn't something you can wait on. The following unpaired pockets though, are ones you may play depending on the risk and cost in the game and what you're reading from other players, in order of potential, they are:
- AK - Big Slick or Walking back to Houston
- AQ - Little Slick, Big Chick, or Doyle Brunson
- AJ - Blackjack, Ajax, or Jackass
- AT - Bookend or Johnny Moss
- A5 - High Five
- A4 - Topped Four
- A3 - Ashtray or Baskin and Robbins
- A2 - Hunting Season or Acey-Deucy
- KQ - Marriage (if suited) or Mixed Marriage (if not suited)
- KJ - Kojak, King John, or Tucson Monster
- KT - Kate or Katie
- QJ - Maverick or Oedipus
- QT - Quentin Tarantino
- JT - Days of Old
- T9 - Paint Plus Connector
- 98 - Oldsmobile
- 87 - RPM
- 76 - Union Oil
- 65 - Medicare
- 54 - Jesse James or Colt.
There are many names for the bigger and final hand combos, here are a few of the ones you may hear more often.
- KKK - Alabama Night Riders or Three Wise Men
- TTT - Thirty Miles of Bad Road
- 222 - Huey, Dewey and Louie.
- AA88Q - Dead Man's Hand
- AKQJT - Broadway
- A5432 - Wheel
- 3 of a Kind - Set (if you have a pocket pair matched by a 'community card')
- 3 of a kind - Trips (if one is in your pocket and two are 'community cards')
- Full House - Boat or All The In-Laws
- 4 of a Kind - Quads or Quad Set.
Play Poker Online For Free Guide To Poker Card, Pocket And Hand Name Nicknames
By: Nick Moseley
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