subject: Lesbian Wedding Insurance [print this page] What do you think about gay, lesbian and their same sex wedding? It is a hot topic and arguments supporting/opposing have no ending. Many reasons are there to oppose the gays and the lesbians. All religions are not same about the gay wedding and lesbian wedding. Some religion are supporting and few are opposing, have also have dual nature on same sex wedding, some religions are in hard core favor of this wedding and few are strongly in opposition. Buddhism, for example, celebrates gay/lesbian relationships freely and would like to have the authority to make them legal marriages.
The graph of the number of gays and the lesbians in our society shows the huge number of increment in last five years. In fact they have legal right to arrange marriages and move freely in many countries, even they want to have many more rights and reservations in Government quota and still struggling for it.
People opposing the same sex marriage have a solid reason which is sufficient to oppose such kind of stuffs. They are in support of simple wedding and consider that the marriage is an institution between one man and one woman. They also thought that gays and lesbians are responsible for preparing a dirty society. They cannot be a good parents and not able to raise children. Same sex couples cannot provide the optimum environment in which the children can raise.
But science supports the same sex marriage on this issue. Outcomes of many studies shown that children rose by the gays or by the lesbians are just as good as those of straight couples. It depends upon their relations and their loves only; its not a matter that they are of any particular gender.
Many scientific studies have shown that the outcomes of the children raised in the homes of gay and lesbian couples are just as good as those of straight couples. The differences have been shown again and again to be insignificant. Psychologists tell us that love of the parents can makes the difference only not their gender. Gays couple is as capable of loving children as fully as others.
by: marlie
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