subject: Getting The Most Affordable Motorcycle Insurance [print this page] Motorcycle insurance is a requirement throughout most of the world in order to drive legally. Even if the law doesn't require it many people choose to insure their cycles for their own protection. There are multiple factors which affect how much is paid for insurance on any bike and a wise shopper will minimize their risk factors in order to get the lowest rate possible.
Most insurers base their premiums on the amount of risk they feel the driver presents and also on the capabilities of the vehicle. This is true for both autos and motorcycles. An individual with a great driving record with no tickets or accidents will normally receive a lower quote for cycle insurance than that of a driver with many tickets and claims for accidents. High performance machines may also cost more in premiums as well since they are made to exceed the normal in terms of speed.
Motorcycles are assessed on the same basis as autos in many ways. A more expensive car will usually have higher premiums and the same is true of bikes. Any potential expense the insurer might have to pay out is usually included as a rate increase. There are however some easy ways to lower the cost of motorcycle premiums.
Of course, how much cover is purchased also affects the price paid for cycle insurance. Liability coverage will normally cost less than comprehensive for the same motorcycle. Part of the reason for this is that while motorcycles can inflict property damage it is usually minor compared to the amount that a car can cause.
In addition personal injury may cost more than property insurance because a motorcycle doesn't have the potential of inflicting as much property damage as an auto, but the risk for personal claims from an injury to the driver may be increased. One company may charge more than another for the same insurance and this makes comparison shopping important.
How much a driver uses the cycle, and how often, affect the premiums. The more miles driven, the more expensive the policy is likely to be. A bike used strictly for pleasure may have a lower premium than the one used daily for transportation to and from work.
Safety counts when it comes to motorcycle insurance and taking positive measures to assure the safety of the rider and the bike can mean a cut in premiums with some companies. Owners who store the bike indoors or in a locked garage when not in use will pay less than those who leave their bikes out overnight. This applies to bikes which are covered by fire and theft since the company must replace or repair the bike if it gets stolen.
However the best insurance is not always the least expensive. If the motorist uses the bike for work transportation then the loss of the motorcycle could impose severe hardships. Comprehensive coverage can make a lot of sense in that case. If it is a pleasure bike then full coverage with fire and loss may well be a good choice as well.
by: Franklin Jeter
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