subject: Make Money Fast - "should" Is A Naughty Word [print this page] When we think about, or talk about our goals, we often use the word "should" when referring to a specific action which we must take in order to achieve out goals. Most of us think that "should" is just an innocent word that helps us get out of boring conversations and confrontations regarding our bad habits. Little do we realize that the word "should" poisons our speech and ambitions to make money fast by inferring that what we are doing is not good enough, and that we would be better off doing something else.
When you say that you "should" do something, what are you really saying?
1. You have an obligation to which you are not looking forward. Notice how we usually do not talk about how we "should" do things that we are looking forward to doing? We never say that we "should" have at least three cookies. Rather, we just eat three or more cookies. However, if we feel obligated to eat healthy, it turns into a "should". However, if making cookies for a bake sale is an obligation, then it turns into a "should". Conversely, if making cookies is the most fun experience in the world for you (for whatever reason), it would be easy for you to just make cookies. The same holds true for taking steps to make money fast. This is why it is important that you do something which you enjoy. If you enjoy what you are doing, the steps which you will need to take to accomplish your goals will be a fun experience, and not a "should".
2. Not only do you have zero drive to do something, you have come up with a great explanation why you cannot. You say that you "should" do this or that, however, excuses, excuses, excuses. Such a manner of conduct states that you know what is the right thing to do, but you have made up your mind that you are not going to do it. Imagine how ridiculous you would look if you were a lawyer and you told your client that you know that you "should" have cross-examined the witness, but rather than paying attention during direct examination, you were preparing your shopping list.
3. You know exactly what you need to do to make things better, but you are procrastinating. For all of you out there who "should" stop smoking, who "should" lose weight, or who "should" go back to school, you know exactly what you need to do to live longer, feel better, advance in life, and improve your career. However, you are hiding behind "should" as your lame excuse not to take action. Of course, being a spectator on the sidelines is much easier than going after the ball, but spectators do not win ball games, players do.
If you have a long list of "should's" and a short list of "goals", take a piece of paper, write down the which of the "should's" you need to take action on to accomplish your goals, and take action. If your goal is to make money fast, and one of your "should's" is to create a website, then create a website ASAP, and stop letting day on which money can be made, go to waste. You will never get those days back. They are now a part of history.
What I want you to do, is to sit down and think hard about what your should's are. Once you have determined all of your should's, turn them into categorical "will's" and will not's". Do away with "should" completely. The word "should" weakens you and holds you back. However, the word "will" equips you with the strength and avidity to realize your goals.
by: Brian Lett
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