subject: Aarkstore Enterprise -corpus Christi Lng Terminal- Analysis And Forecasts Of Terminal Wise Capacity [print this page] Corpus Christi LNG Terminal- Analysis and Forecasts of Terminal wise Capacity and Associated Contracts, Construction and Trade Information
Corpus hristi LNG Terminal- Analysis and Forecasts of Terminal wise Capacity and Associated Contracts, Construction and Trade Information is a comprehensive report on Corpus Christi LNG terminal. Designed to meet all your LNG data needs, the report provides complete data on all segments of value chain of Corpus Christi LNG terminal. Also, LNG terminal outlook to 2015, terminals map, LNG prices and sales trade movements is provided. LNG export/ import capacity and storage capacity information is provided for the terminal from 2000 to 2015. Jetty and associated infrastructure, pipeline details are provided for the terminal. Associated LNG carriers and source field information is also included for the terminal. Capital investment details coupled with construction details is included for the terminal. The terminal is benchmarked with other terminals based on eight parameters. Analysis of key shareholder companies of the terminals is also provided.
Contents Covered
Introduction to LNG
Increasing Importance of LNG
LNG Vs Pipelines
Analysis Across the LNG Value Chain
How is LNG Priced in different parts of world
LNG Trade Movements, Long Term Vs Short Term
Asset Level Analysis
Terminal Information
Operator and Shareholder details
Commencement date
Capital Expenditure
Source Field Information
Field Reserve Potential
Operator and Shareholders
Capacity Information
LNG Export/ Import Capacity, 2000- 2015
Number of Processing Trains, 2000- 2015
LNG Storage Capacity, 2000- 2015
Number of Storage Tanks, 2000- 2015
LNG Carrier Information
IMO Number
Year of Delivery
Trade Route
Benchmarking with other terminals
Reasons to Purchase
Make strategic decisions based on historical, current and forecasted data on terminals and companies
Quickly identify potential opportunities for gas procurement, capacity reservations and asset investments
Identify potential investment opportunities present across the LNG value chain in the entire world
Estimate the impact of the current economic crisis on LNG industry and gain shielding from the financial meltdown
Evaluate planned projects based on the capital expenditure details provided for each terminal
Stay ahead of competition by understanding their business strategies and planned investments