subject: The Top Tips To Saving Money When Shopping Online! [print this page] Everyone loves tips when it comes to saving money, but they especially love tips when it comes to saving money AND shopping. There are virtually thousands of ways you could end up saving anywhere from a dollar or two on up to a more significant amount, and with today's economy it seems like any amount of money saved, is a good amount! These tips are going to be helpful when it comes to online shopping only, so if you do a lot of online shopping this is going to be a superb article for you to take notes on!
Shop at a store that allows you to make payments on items. I know a lot of people shoot these sites down, but I gotta say, you simply don't know what you are missing. These sites have extreme products everything from fitness and health items, to sports and electronics and everything else in between. It's going to allow YOU to get the items you want and simply make payments. Also, since this isn't a credit card or a "bill me later" option, you won't be paying interest on it either.
Try out a daily deals website. These are websites that are going to offer one deal a day. This means you can buy products that you would be purchasing anyway, but for a much lower price. The giveaway of the day is pretty self-explanatory. They offer ONE product for one day of the week. You can usually buy as many of those items that you want, but some sites may have a cap off. Once that day is over, you can no longer buy that product from the day before. Instead, with a new day starting you will find yet another very low discounted product! This is such a money and time saver. In fact, you could save 90% off an item that you would or could be buying in an offline store. Now that is savings!
Find sites that offer free shipping and handling or shipping deals. There are quite a few websites out there these days that will either offer free shipping and handling for the items you buy, or they will offer partial shipping and handling charges for a specific amount of products you buy. So for instance, if you buy $100 worth of items, they might have a cap at $50 where you either get free shipping and handling or you might get 50% off shipping and handling.
Use coupons! As with real life stores, you can also use coupons and discount codes for online stores as well. Most ALL stores online will offer discount codes or coupons, you simply have to search around a bit to find one. This could give you percentages or dollar amounts off on shipping and handling or the actual products. You also might find some BOGO offers among other offers as well. I can't tell you how many times I have used this option, and it has saved me a lot of money in the end!
Try one, try them all! See which one you like the best, which ones you save the most money from, and which ones work the best for you! A lot of people don't like the coupon option because this means they have to go running around the Internet to find a coupon. So they would rather do a daily deals website because they don't have to do anything extra. All you have to do is sign up for the website and get an account. Once you get an account you can start buying the items on the site that same day. It's easy, its convenient and it can save you a lot of money!
by: Mark Etinger
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