subject: Doggy Guide Downloa [print this page] Are you maybe thinking of buying a Bichon, not sure how to go about it, what questions to ask, how to look after and train your little friend?
Maybe you already own one or more Bichons and want to make sure you care for your Bichon Frise properly? Bichons do require special care and once you learn and understand their needs its not that hard to care for a Bichon.
They are worth every bit of effort of course as they will reward you a hundred fold in enjoyment and unwavering companionship.
Don't make the mistakes I did and many others do though and presume a Bichon Frise is cared for the same way as any other dog. They aren't and that mistake could cost you dearly in time, money and heartache.
Maybe you just simply want to have your Bichon trained a bit better. A dog that pees inside, chews everything in sight, "pulls" on a lead, jumps up on guests and barks too much, can take some of the fun out of owning a dog can't it?
And you know a Bichon can easily be trained when you know how!
If some of this describes you and you would like a healthy, happy, well trained Bichon that brings years of enjoyment for you and the family that doesn't end up costing you a small fortune please read on.
I really get frustrated seeing Bichon owners ending up with big disappointments just because they didn't have the right information at hand. There is a better way.
Well to make sure I really covered everything, before I finished the book I even set up a simple webpage , and people like you visited it and left me their most pressing question on Bichons. Then I answered them! And believe me there were tons of great questions! Some even I had to go along way to find the answers to.