subject: Pure Pitch Method Rapidshare [print this page] Over the years I have talked to literally hundreds of musicians through email and direct contact on the issue of absolute pitch and relative pitch. Many of these musicians had actually tried to learn absolute pitch through various courses on the market, but most of them failed to see any improvement. As for relative pitch, it seemed that many more were able to learn this particular skill by simply learning their instrument, but only after years of practice.
So I decided to research all the courses that taught these skills and I discovered that they were very abstract in their approach. They seemed very confusing and I could instantly understand why so many musicians were struggling to improve. You have to understand that at this point I HAD absolute pitch, and these courses taught in a way that was very counter-intuitive. Completely different then the method I had used to learn these skills.
I knew at that point that the method I had devised as a teenager to master both these skills of pitch recognition would be so much faster and easier for people to learn then the more cumbersome methods out there.
If you've ever previously tried to learn absolute pitch from other courses, then the Pure Pitch Method will seem to make much more sense in your logical mind. That's because this approach is very logical and not at all like other methods on the market. This method is quick and won't take years to master, in fact you will see results after the first lesson.
Look around at other courses and you'll discover that they fail to teach both relative and absolute pitch simultanously. I want to make this perfectly clear... You will have an extremely hard time mastering absolute pitch if you have no previous relative pitch training! The reason for this is simple; a person who understands relative pitch is already very familiar with musical notes in general. This makes mastering absolute pitch a whole lot easier! That of course doesn't mean it's impossible to learn absolute pitch on its own, it will just take a very long time!