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subject: Holiday Safe: Taking Out The Right Kind Of Insurance For A Sports Holiday [print this page]

For some people one of the biggest draws to going on holiday is the chance to try out new and exciting activities such as extreme sports. Of course, there's a significantly higher risk involved when you take part in these kind of sports. Travel insurance then, can be a valuable investment if you're planning on having an active and exciting holiday.

However most basic travel insurance packages will probably not cover you for risky activities and sports. From skiing to mountaineering, a holiday based around physical activity invariably has a higher attached risk and the small print of most basic packages will generally mean that you won't be able to get a full payout if you injure yourself or lose your possessions when taking part in them.

Luckily though, insurers are generally more than willing to provide coverage specially tailored for your needs as long as you're upfront about what kind of activities you're likely to be taking part in. This can be particularly valuable when taking part in risky sports outside of the EU, in locations where you can't expect to receive healthcare without fees.

With insurance, you can be sure that you can afford medical assistance in an emergency and receive ongoing treatment whilst abroad. It will also make sure that if worst comes to worst and you're hospitalised, causing you to miss your flight, you can be repatriated and another flight booked for nothing more than the cost of the excess.

One other useful aspect of having a sports travel insurance package is that you can often insure your equipment - so if you break your snowboard, you can quickly afford to replace it rather than spending all day staring at the piste. Furthermore, as most sports involve the participation of other people, there's an outside chance that if things go wrong you can find yourself facing a lawsuit for personal injury or destruction of/damage to property. Most travel insurance packages have personal liability clauses that will payout towards your legal expenses or even for compensation if you're found to be in the wrong.

by: Herbert Miller

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