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subject: Ladies In Glasses Can Be Sexy----tips On Making-up [print this page]

Ladies wearing eyeglasses often come across some unexpected practical problems when they make up. Actually, if only you pay attention to some features of your glasses,eyeglasses frames, these problems will turn out to be just slight cases and can be avoided by using some techniques.

Hyperopia lens usually magnify your eyes. In that case, when you make up, you should get the making-up turn out to be gentle, light and refined with weaker brushwork and colors. When you use eyeliner to make up, dont make the eye lines too clear and obvious. Try to get it into the effect of a little bit blurring, and then your making-up will appear to be more natural in other peoples eyes. However, you should notice that the eyelashes must be combed to be clean after you put eye black on it, or the tittles or the agglomerations left by the eye black may be magnified by the hyperopia lens. Whats more, you should be careful to embellish your eyebrows to keep them in order.

In contrast to hyperopia lens, myopia lens tend to shrink peoples eyes. In that way, you should put emphasis on the effect of eyeliner when doing making-up. In order to avoid the eye-shrinking effect, you should make full use of the eyeliner. When you paint eye line and eye shadow, the color has to be stronger than that of eye lines on hyperopia sufferers.

Besides, dont forget to use eye shadow of light color below your eyebrows and above your eyelashes, for it can make your eyes look more shining and thus make yourself catch more peoples eyes. If the natural color of your eye brows is a little bit lighter, you might as well deepen the color of them with eye brow pencils. When you use eye brow pencils ,what s should be noticed is that never paint your eye brows that are originally very light with any pencils of lighter colors, or your eye brows may seem to be weird, queer and unharmonious.

Last but not least, for both hyperopia and myopia sufferers, when you are doing making-up around eyes, the cosmetics are inclined to fall into or filter in your eyes. You can choose the powder-shaped cosmetics of good attaching capability so as to avoid such problem. When you are painting your eye line, you should be careful so that the liquid of the eyeliner would not contaminate the lens.

Eye black should be put on before you put on your eyewear. Wait for a few minutes to let the eye black dry up and try best not to use fake eyelashes. As to selecting foundation make-up, it is better to choose the cosmetics that have a good performance of moistening and be without the effect of greasing. In addition, you should prevent the cosmetics from spreading and attaching on your lens, or your sight may become blurring.

Just don't let anything get in your way to beauty, even your eyeglasses. Ladies in glasses can be sexy too.

by: Visions

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