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subject: Using Rice Cooker in Appropriate Way [print this page]

Rice cooker will be a great cooking device if you cook rice often. It will help you save more time since it cooks your rice automatically. Simply place your rice in the bowl of the cooker and turn it on. Then you can leave it to finish other household duties and tasks without worrying about your rice. The cooker will automatically change into warm mode when the rice has been cooked well.

However, a lot of people do not really understand about the proper steps in using rice cooker. As the result, they got rice in bad taste and texture. In order to prevent this problem, you have to really follow the steps in cooking rice with this cooker orderly.

First, you have to remove the pan and the inside lid of your cooker. The, you can continue to measure some amount of rice that you are going to cook with your device. Use running water to rinse the rice well in a clean bowl. When the water runs clean, you can stop rinsing the rice.

Second, you should move the rice into the pan of your rice cooker. Then, you have to fill it with cold clean water up to the water mark that is available on the inside of the pan. Make it appropriate with the amount of the rice that you are going to cook. Furthermore, you need to place this pan and the inside lid to your rice cooker.

Third, you can close the lid. Make sure that the lid latched and closed tightly. Then, you can connect it to the electricity power by plugging the cable to the wall socket. Turn your device on and set it to the cooking mode. Usually, different products come with different types of switches.

Fourth, you just need to wait the device cook the rice for you. Some products give you indication of remaining time in cooking the rice. However, you can also find some products that beep to give you alert that the rice is ready. You can open the cooker when your rice is ready. Now you can serve your rice to your family. You can keep your rice warm by keeping the rice cooker plugged.

It is easy enough to do. Now, you can serve the most delicious rice for your family in easier and faster time.

Using Rice Cooker in Appropriate Way

By: Jon K Goff

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