subject: PLUMBER INSURANCE [print this page] Our plumber insurance policies provide comprehensive cover to self employed plumbers and plumbing contract firms.
low cost plumber insurance
from just 161 pa, underwritten by Brit Insurance, one of the UK's top insurers. Why not see how much money we can save you by getting your cheap plumbers insurance quote here.
By working in customers homes, on a business premises or a construction site, plumbers are exposed to all manner of risks. For example a water mains pipe you are working on might burst and flood a room, causing property damage. A customer might trip up over your tools and injure themselves. An employee might fall ill or have an accident at work and claim compensation from you. Our plumber insurance cover protects your business against real life claims like these. They not only cover compensation payments if it is proved you have been negligent but also cover legal fees & costs.Like it or not, more and more people now take legal action if mistakes are made, so it pays to have the best protection around.
Our insurance for plumbers includes;
Public liability insurance: Public liability insurance for plumbers covers compensation costs to members of the public for injury, death, or damage to their property. We offer three levels of public liability cover (1million, 2million & 5 million)
Employers liability insurance: Employers liability insurance for plumbers covers compensation costs if a member of your staff falls ill or has an accident at work. By law any company who employs staff (full time or temporary) must have 5 million employers liability insurance. We offer 10,000,000 EL cover as standard.
Tools / Equipment insurance: Tools equipment insurance for plumbers covers compensation costs if your tools get damaged, lost or stolen. We offer five levels of cover from min 1,000 up to max5,000.
Simply choose your preferred coverage limits we can you on cover in minutes. The policies are specifically worded for plumber's providing extra peace of mind.
If you have any questions about which
plumber liablity insurance
is right for you, or need help with a quote please call our customer services team on 0161 833 2100 or email
By: ammenda
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