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subject: Plastic Surgery: Choosing An Appropriate Plastic Surgeon [print this page]

Deciding to have plastic surgery is not something that you do lightly, and choosing your plastic surgeon should be a decision that is taken just as seriously. Basically, what you are doing is trusting someone to perform on you what is usually an elective surgery.

This often involves invasive procedures such as cutting and injecting, and you not only have the right but the responsibility to choose wisely when it comes to who will be performing one of them on you. Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to help you make a confident choice.

Deciding exactly what you want

Before you ever even begin to search for the right surgeon, you need to decide what kind of surgery that you want. Your doctor's specialties should be a deciding factor in your final choice, so it's only reasonable to know exactly what you want that specialty to be.

Do you want an all-over face lift? Is there a scar somewhere on your body that you are hoping to get removed? Are you interested in liposuction in your hips and thighs? It could be one thing or a combination of things, but you want to have them written down before you search for the right surgeon.

Where to focus your search

There are different things that you can do to help you find the right plastic surgeon. If you have a personal physician that you trust, tell him or her about your plans and ask for recommendations. Beyond this, you can do some research on the internet for doctors that specialize in what you want to have done.

Almost all clinics have their own websites these days, with information about the doctors who work in them. There are also plastic surgery organizations that you can call to find information about doctors in your area, such as accreditation, records and specialties. Rather than using just one source of information for making your decision, use several sources.

Developing the right relationship

Once you believe that you've chosen the plastic surgeon with whom you want to work, your next step is to establish a good relationship with this doctor. Before you have your procedure, you want to have at least one lengthy consultation with the doctor so that you can ask all of the questions that you need to.

If the doctor tries to rush you through any consultations, take that as a red flag and rethink your choice. It's not a bad idea to see the doctor more than once before the actual procedure.

If you take it step by step and make sure that you feel comfortable all along the way, then you should feel confident about your final choice of plastic surgeon. It's important to remember that it is your body, and you need to know that you are in charge.

by: Abigail Aaronson

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