subject: Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers (Part 3): Jumped 4 pages on Google in less than 1 day… [print this page] Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers
For those who have been following my recent blogs, I'm seeing how quickly and how far I can rise in the Google rankings for the keywords "Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers". It's a kind of challenge for me because I'm trying to walk the walk (and not just talk the talk). When I first started targeting those keywords (yesterday), my website appeared on page 8, 3rd position from the top. Today, after generating and disseminating some content and using some tips and tricks (seo stuff), my website now ranks on page 4, 2nd position from the top:
I'm close to cracking the 3rd page of Google for "Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers", but it's going to be really difficult. I'll explain why in my next blog, where I show you how competitive those keywords actually are. So far, I've had 2 people tell me to just pay for the Google Ad words if I wanted to appear on page 1 or 2 to which I answered: "Do you know how expensive it is per click? Besides, don't you want to see if I can do it?" That's the challenge.
So what's the secret to being on page 1 of google for your targeted keywords? Well, I can definitely share some basic information, but you won't be getting all of the good stuff. I've already written a number of eBooks about law firm SEO, which you can download for free on Dynamic Lawyers. Basically, in those eBooks, I explain how you:
Need to have a good strategy for targeting keywords;
Generate content for those keywords;
Optimize the content for SEO purposes; and
Get that content out there to build backlinks and traffic to your legal website.
Now the key here and the things that I'm not saying is to be creative in how you create and disseminate your content. You can always check to see what your competition is doing and try to beat them at their own game. Most likely you'll be playing catch up and might not be able to compete. This is where a niche strategy really helps. If you want to appear on google for competitive keywords such as "Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers", you might need to initially settle for fringe keywords that are related to those keywords. Examples might be "Brampton Personal Injury Attorneys". You get the idea. Another way to get traffic is by targeting poor spelling. Instead of spelling "Lawyers" in "Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers", you could focus on generating content that spells it incorrectly as "Layers". This way, you rank high on Google for those mispellings. These are some strategies. There are others. You can call me if you're interested in being consulted on SEO services for your legal website.
Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers (Part 3): Jumped 4 pages on Google in less than 1 day
By: DynamicLawyers
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