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Mysore One Day Trip

"Meet mysore's local tour operator if you want to do mysore one day trip. They will take you around mysore in one day with proper guidance. mysoreonedaytrip has launched a friendly website after understanding the one day toursist's troubles. And also it has taken the pledge to complete the visiting of 15 popular tourist places in one day. The mysore sightseeing package either by bus or cab starts at 8am and ends at 9pm. Cabs will be assigned according to the tourists' number. Apart from that ac and non ac vehicles have separate prices. Moreover we provide a special discount during the weekends. Contact us immediately."

Mysore One Day Trip

Address: 592/1, 1st Floor, Oil Mill Rd, behind Chamundeshwari Nursing Home, Subbarayanakere, KR Mohalla, Chamrajpura, Mysuru, Karnataka 570024

Phone: 07996661661

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